Mg.Calcium D3 Direct 20 bu
Mg.Calcium D3 Direct 20 bu
Doppelherz Magnesium + Calcium + D3 Direct 20 bustine
Supports muscle function and helps maintain strong bones
250 mg Magnesium, 450 mg Calcium, 10 µg Vitamin D3
Once a day
An optimal supply with Magnesium is important for the production of energy for the cells. Magnesium is also involved in the activation of several enzymes. In addition, it is necessary for the proper function of nerve and muscle cells. For the heart muscle in particular Magnesium is of great importance.
Calcium is involved in many biological processes, e.g. blood coagulation. A good Calcium supply is also needed for healthy and strong bones.
Vitamin D3 favours calcium fixation in the bones. Vitamin D3 is produced by our own organism under the regular stimulation of sunlight on the skin. However, Vitamin D3 synthesis in the skin may be reduced if the skin is naturally dark, if it is covered with clothes or protected with a sunscreen cream.
Both Magnesium and Calcium are necessary for a normal muscular function and for the proper progress of several metabolic paths.