Energia ORO
Energia ORO
BUONA ENERGIA ORO is a food supplement in single-dose vials, specifically formulated for children. The functional nutrients contained in BUONA ENERGIA ORO such as Fresh Royal Jelly, Rosehip (high in Vitamin C), Blackberry (antioxidant and anti-inflammatory) and B vitamins, are particularly useful for combating states of fatigue, asthenia, loss of appetite that children often have to deal with, especially during the change of season and in periods of greater tiredness due to school or sports commitments; it can also be useful during convalescence.
10 single-dose vials of 10 ml
1 vial per day, preferably at breakfast
In a 10 ml vial of GOOD ENERGY GOLD
there are:
Royal Jelly tit. 1.3% in 10-HDA,
Rosehip extract,
Blackberry extract tit. 5% in anthocyanins,
Vitamin B6, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B1, Honey.